Thursday, February 28, 2013

Seth MacFarlane & The Oscars: Sexism Gone Overboard?


Sunday night, I curled up with some Ben & Jerry's and watched the Oscars. I love Seth MacFarlane- I watch his shows all the time because I think he's so hilarious. However, little by little, I started to become offended by what I was hearing. The first thing was the "Boob Song" which ended up coming off as extremely degrading to women.  Next was one of the worst jokes, "'Django Unchained' was the story of a man fighting to get back his woman, who has been subjected to unthinkable violence. Or as Chris Brown and Rihanna call it, a date movie.” 
My jaw dropped.
What are you saying, Seth? Domestic violence is okay? Domestic violence is funny? 
Vulture and Buzzfeed have already written articles about the horrendous treatment women received during the Oscars. Seth didn't fail to mention a crude joke about women dieting until they're sick before the Oscars. Don't forget his joke about the Kardashian women having a beard. Oh, and how women are difficult as seen in the movie "Zero Dark Thirty".
Another interesting thing you can see in the comments on Buzzfeed is a lot of men trying to justify MacFarlane's actions. Many men's reaction to this is "You can't take a joke?" Truth be told, I can. But this was just one too many. Another stupid reason men seem to be using is "That's his sense of humor! What'd you expect?" I get it. Put it in your cartoons, Seth. But when you're in front of adults and millions of other that crude sense of humor.It was simply just inappropriate. 
I would say "typical men" but that would sexist, wouldn't it...?

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you that Seth MacFarlane went overboard! Although I didn't watch the Oscars (twitter never failed to keep me in the loop though), reading the jokes he said are absurd. I think there's a certain line that sexist jokes can be made, but Seth definitely crossed that line. What shocks me though are the men defending MacFarlane! They don't understand that these kind of jokes can be degrading to us women. My question is to them, how would you like it if someone constantly attacked your gender? Wouldn't you feel degraded? I most definitely agree with you that Seth MacFarlane should have been more respectful since it was in a sophisticated and classy environment.
