Thursday, February 14, 2013

Gender Discrimination or Business?

This video explains the story of an Iowa woman, Melissa Nelson, who was fired from her job in a dental office after her boss claimed she was "simply irresistible". Boss James Knight claimed her clothes were "distracting" because they "accentuated her body" and he would ask her to cover up with a lab coat. She had been working for him for 10 years. She claimed that she didn't wear tight clothing; rather, loose scrubs she wore under her lab coat. Both boss and employee would text back and forth and Knight would say inappropriate things to her (for example, that her inconsistent sex life was like "having Lamborghini in the garage and never driving it"). Then she got fired because he said she "jeopardized" his marriage and she was just  "too sexy". After suing for gender discrimination, the all-male jury did not find Knight guilty.
If she was a guy, this would have all been avoided.

Sexism at its finest.

When I saw this, I was in shock. This perverted, unprofessional boss is going to fire a 10-year employee because he can't resist her? And the jury doesn't find him guilty of gender discrimination?! I don't know how anyone can hear this woman's story and truly agree with the "it wasn't gender discrimination" side. If she were a man, doing the same job as her, making the same money, with the same boss, this would have never happened. I wanted to jump into the screen and stand up for her!

Whats's your opinion? Gender discrimination or the right thing to do?

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